Danita's Children

Sponsor Testimonial

Sponsor Testimonial

Testimonial Form

We would love to hear from you!

At Danita's Children, we love hearing from our sponsors! Your commitment to your sponsored child(ren) in Haiti is transforming lives and future generations at Danita's Children. We know that your support has changed their lives, and we would love to hear how this program has impacted you and those around you! Please share an experience, a moment, a photo – anything that lets us know how much this program means to you personally!

* By submitting this online form, you are authorizing Danita's Children to use your name, brief feedback information, and the Testimonial as defined on this form. You hereby irrevocably authorize Danita's Children to copy, exhibit, publish or distribute the Testimonial for purposes of publicizing Danita's Children's services or for any other lawful purpose.

* For external use, we will only use first name, last initial and state of residence for privacy.